• PC Services

Got PC issues?


I’ve got you covered and have seen it all!!

Have a Shiny New computer, and need help getting it setup and running? I can help you with that final polish.

That old Computer lost its Drive? Maybe it puffed some smoke when you tried to turn it on last?  Let me help you recover from that mess. I can repair it, and get you back online fast.

Starting to see popups, blue screen, slow speeds?
Maybe it is just has to years of browsing history, but could also have a virus, worm, or worse!
Contact me, let me get those virus’s off, and cleaned, to get your Speed and reliability again.

Maybe you got unlucky, and found that one email that gave you the CryptoLocker virus. Maybe time to Reload and Restore.
That way you know its not going to haunt you again.

Home and Office Network Consultant